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First of all what is a ‘Lettera Raccomandata con Ricevuta di Ritorno’?

It is a Registered Letter. In Italy, if you have long term property rental contract and would like to terminate the contract early you must send to the owner a formal request via ‘Lettera Raccomandata con Ricevuta di Ritorno’.

Email, whatsapp or an sms are not enough.


How to do it:


Go to the post office and ask for “modulo per raccomandata con ricevuta di ritorno

They will give you 2 things:

  1. Modulo (velina blu - You keep this as your receipt) to write on the front
  2. Cartolina A/R.(white and orange envelope) to write front and back.


1. Modulo

Complete the details of both the owner and yourself (tenant)

  1. Destinatario (who gets the letter) : owner
  2. Mittente (who sends letter): tenant

Lettera Raccommandata



2. Cartolina A/R  (Envelope)

  •  Insert the owner’s full name and permanent address (where they live NOT where you rent)

Lettera Raccommandata


  • Put your full name and address where you currently live (the rental). If the letter is not successfully delivered to the owner it will be returned to you at the address you put here.

Lettera Raccommandata


  • Cost =  between €5 and €10



Below you can find a template of a letter you should write advising the Owner of your intentions to terminate the contract early. You insert this letter inside the Registered Letter envelope and send to the Owner, by handing to the post office clerk.


Letter Template (with advice)

letter template


Letter Template (Blank) 




Egr. Sig./Gent. Sig.ra ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________________________________


Via/Piazza _________________________________________________________


Oggetto: disdetta contratto di affitto

Egr. Sig./Gent. Sig.ra _____________________________,


con la presente Le comunico l’intenzione di recedere anticipatamente dal contratto di affitto stipulato in data




Registrazione c/o Agenzia delle Entrate in data ___/___/______ ,


N° __________________________  e relativo all’immobile di Sua proprietà sito in






Pertanto l’immobile Le verrà riconsegnato libero da persone o cose in data ___/___/______.


Le porgo i miei più cordiali saluti,









Richard is the founder of Cribmed. He was born and grew up in New Zealand. In his twenties, he traveled and backpacked extensively before finally settling down in Rome, Italy in 2011.


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